
OSF Flow English

For those who want to communicate in English effectively.

Advanced English Community

For those who want to communicate in English effectively.

Why choose OSF Flow English

Students have been choosing O Segredo da fluência because of the quality of our lessons and how well-explained they are. OSF is concerned into delivering the best English course to its students, therefore our video and audio qualities are top notched as well as the content. The teacher Drielle Paetznick grew up with ADD, what made difficult for her to learn things, specially those she didn’t feel motivated about. Because of her struggles, Drielle learned how to explain things in a simple way, she is always trying to improve as a teacher and giving her best to her students. The lessons are very complete, full of useful information and are also dynamic and interactive. Besides grammar lessons, the students also have pronunciation classes, as it’s one of Drielle’s main focus.

OSF is always thinking about the students’ experience and how to help them achieve their highest goals, not only the teachers and team members are competent and friendly, they also want to help you to speak English as best as you can and want. So far OSF has a 99% student satisfaction and it’s also one of the best online courses because of what it offers.

When Drielle was learning English, she realized that studying with books and watching video-lessons weren’t enough. Today we have so many people who have been studying English for decades and still don’t speak English well. Although there are many reasons for this phenomenon, a common one is the lack of practice. Practice is the key to learn how to communicate in another language, and it’s avoided by many students, either because they are too afraid of exposing themselves or because they don’t know how to practice. That is why, this course is perfect, because students have online recorded grammar lessons, and live group practice classes weekly.

We are here to help you to become fluent, and make this process easier and more enjoyable. With new lessons uploaded monthly, and live weekly group practice classes, a private group for networking, and educational support, the O Segredo da Fluência is today one of the best online courses. Our focus is on you, and your goals.

When Drielle was learning English, she realized that studying with books and watching video-lessons weren’t enough. Today we have so many people who have been studying English for decades and still don’t speak English well. Although there are many reasons for this phenomenon, a common one is the lack of practice. Practice is the key to learn how to communicate in another language, and it’s avoided by many students, either because they are too afraid of exposing themselves or because they don’t know how to practice. That is why, this course is perfect, because students have online recorded grammar lessons, and live group practice classes weekly.

We are here to help you to become fluent, and make this process easier and more enjoyable. With new lessons uploaded monthly, and live weekly group practice classes, a private group for networking, and educational support, the O Segredo da Fluência is today one of the best online courses. Our focus is on you, and your goals.

This course
is for those who:

Have Basic English Knowledge

Can communicate in English, even if just a little

Want to practice oral communication English Weekly

Need to improve pronunciation

Want to build better sentences

Want to sound more natural

Desire to learn how to speak the true spoken English

Are Focused on American English

Want to take a step further in their communication

Speak English with confidence

This course
is not for those who:

Want to take a proficiency test

Do not want to communicate effectively in English

Are not willing to work and study

Cannot speak/understand English at all

Are in the Basic 1 level

Don’t want to practice


Often time I hear students complaining how they forget their words, vocabulary, grammar rules, how difficult it is to communicate in English and transmit their feelings and thoughts. Frequently students complain that their studies are not resulting in anything and that they are very frustrated.

Teacher Drielle is a firm believer of: Active learning. Instead of just writing and doing written exercises, you need to put everything you study in practice. Not only that you need to have contact with English regularly.

To learn a new language, it is important to be in contact with that language as much as you can, and that is daily. Even if you don’t understand much, which is normal, over time you’ll find that little by little you started to understand more and more. By active learning your brain is more prompt to retain that information and store in the long-term box.

The 3 foundation are:




If you practice regularly, repeat what you studied and is constantly in close contact with the language, memorization is something that will happen naturally. You won’t need to spend hours memorizing tables and papers. Your studies will be more fun and encouraging.

Course structure:



Online Platform: you will have access to English Lessons from the intermediate 1 to Advanced. On the platform you will have access to recorded video lessons, pronunciation lessons, and all the materials you need.



Network WhatsApp group to connect with other students and build your network, and to have more people you can possibly practice with. The group works also as a support group.



Live English practice lessons: Twice a week you’ll meet with other students and an instructor to talk about a topic in English. The topics are pre-established, every week a new topic will be discussed. During the class the teacher will separate students into smaller groups (3-4 students per room) and rotate between rooms to help students with their difficulties and answering questions. There are 2 types of practice lessons: Debate and conversation classes. You’ll need to study the week’s topic, everything you need will be available to you on the platform. Debate lessons are different from conversation classes, as the teacher will ask one student to lead the debate, giving the student a chance to practice, work on his/her weaknesses, gain confidence, and be better prepared for future opportunities.


Classes with natives weekly as a bonus!

What’s the OSF flow English differential

What’s the OSF flow
English differential

Have you ever caught yourself questioning if you were going to be able to keep yourself consistent because it’s an online course?

Although this is an online English course you will have close contact with other students and the teacher weekly.

Because you also have practice classes you will feel the need to study and be prepared to discuss the week’s topic. You will be worried wether or not you are going to be chosen, but even if you aren’t, you will be expected to discuss and share your opinions, that alone will motivate you to study and to keep improving your oral communication skills.

This online course, gives you the same feeling as going to an in-person class, with the advantage of being in the comfort of your house, or any other place you may be.

If you travel, if you get sick, it won’t affect your attendance.

To go even further, the teachers provide feedback after each class, so you know what to focus on and what are your most common mistakes.

Besides fluent teachers, you will also have classes once a week with a native speaker. She teaches dynamic classes once a week and helps you improve even mote.

How long until I become fluent?

It’s a very difficult question to answer because it will depend on you. Your routine, your study strategies, your efforts, and your ability to listen to the teachers and follow the guidances.

It’s suggested that you take 4-5 recorded lessons weekly, practice both listening and speaking skills every day, attend to 2 live practice classes, and have as much contact as you can.

Another thing that makes it difficult to answer is that I don’t know your current level, and that influences how much time you’ll need to get to fluency.

But if I can offer you a piece of advice, don’t focus on the time so much, and trust the process. Don’t settle, but also don’t focus on how much time you’ll have to study to become fluent. From my own experience you’ll never stop learning, and to maintain your fluency you will need to keep on studying and practicing, but of course following different strategies.

Why should you choose the OSF Flow English?

Why should you choose
the OSF Flow English?

As mentioned before our main focus is you and your development.

If you want to be part of a community that help each other, that you can make friends with while learning English. This is the place.

Not only you’ll have access to high quality recorded lessons, but also live practice gathering weekly, plus being able to connect with people all around the world.

Here people learn English, make friends, gain self confidence, become fluent, and make part of a community.

As mentioned before our main focus is you and your development.

If you want to be part of a community that help each other, that you can make friends with while learning English. This is the place.

Not only you’ll have access to high quality recorded lessons, but also live practice gathering weekly, plus being able to connect with people all around the world.

Here people learn English, make friends, gain self confidence, become fluent, and make part of a community.

What are the OSF students saying

Community Bonus

Welcome class

Live English classes with a native speaker weekly

Resources for students

Black friday

De R$ 3497,00

Por apenas

12X de R$ 247,56

ou 2497,00 à vista


Nessa imersão Bônus de de pronúncia você irá aprender alguns sons importantes no inglês, e que brasileiros têm muita dificuldade.

A imersão será em português e terá uma duração de até 4 horas. O aluno terá espaço para tirar suas dúvidas.

    • Pronúncia das vogais em inglês
    • Pronúncia do -th
    • Pronúncia do -r
    • Pronúncia de palavras que terminam em -ed

A aula será através do zoom.

Material será disponibilizado na plataforma e pelo e-mail.

A aula será no dia 05/02/22 (Sábado) as 10:15am (Brasília time).

Imersão em connected speech-Teacher Jena Hunter (americana)

Essa imersão será ensinada pela teacher OSF americana Jena Hunter. A imersão será em 100% em inglês, e terá uma duração de até 4 horas. A teacher Drielle estará na aula respondendo as mensagens e dúvidas por mensagem no chat. Connected speech é uma parte importante na comunicação em inglês, para soar mais natural. E também para entender melhor o que os nativos falam.

Na imersão será ensinado e falado sobre

    • Stress Patterns in Connected Speech

Material será disponibilizado na plataforma e pelo e-mail.

A aula será pelo zoom dia 29/01/22 as 10:15am (Brasília time)

Assessment evaluation- drielle paetznick

Uma sessão de até 2 horas privada com a teacher Drielle. Nessa sessão você poderá:

    • Montar rotina de estudos
    • Determinar a estratégia de estudos que você irá seguir no começo da sua jornada no OSF
    • Determinar nível de comunicação – avaliar maiores dificuldades e no que focar.

A sessçao será pelo zoom, e você irá marcar com direto com a professora. A mesma irá disponibilizar um calendário no qual você irá escolher o melhor dia e horário para sua avaliação.

LIMITed Spots

And don't lose the opportunity to have access of:

2 Intermediate modules

1 infinite advanced module

WhatsApp Networking group

Weekly group practice conversation class

Materials in PDF, audios, supplementary materials, links of videos to practice listening, games and exercises, listening practice, speaking practice.

Payment with debit or credit card

Join now


12 X $85.00

Or one time of $1,020.00

garantia incondicional

Pra te deixar ainda mais seguro(a) que essa é a melhor decisão da vida, conheça nossa garantia:

Eu confio tanto no método tríade, que eu uso na comunidade OSF e eu tenho tanta certeza de que é impossível você não atingir seu sonho de aprender inglês, que eu decidi liberar essa garantia de 7 dias para que você. E o que é essa garantia? A garantia te permite entrar e testar todo o conteúdo liberado na plataforma, participar dos encontros ao vivo e ter uma experiência incrível como meu aluno(a).

Ou seja: em nenhuma das hipóteses você sai perdendo. Sabe porque? Porque se você gostar de tudo que você vivenciou, você vai realizar seu sonho de entender e falar inglês fluentemente. E caso você não se adapte, o que eu acho MUITO IMPROVÁVEL, você não perde nada, porque eu te devolvo todo seu investimento, sem perguntas ou questionamentos.


I am so confident in the triad method, which I use in the OSF community, and I am so sure that it is impossible for you not to achieve your dream of learning English, that I have decided to release this 15-day guarantee for you. And what is this guarantee? The guarantee allows you to enter and test all the content released on the platform, participate in live meetings and have an incredible experience as my student.

In other words: in neither case do you lose out. Do you know why? Because if you like everything you’ve experienced, you’ll fulfill your dream of understanding and speaking English fluently. And if you don’t adapt, which I think is VERY IMPROVABLE, you won’t lose anything, because I’ll give you back your entire investment, no questions asked.

Who is Drielle Paetznick?

A teacher Dri, é apaixonada por ensinar o inglês que REALMENTE é usado e falado no dia-a-dia dos Estados Unidos. Ela acredita que o aprendizado com o inglês não precisa ser chato, cansativo e nem estressante.  Que o aluno deve ser ativo em seus estudos, buscando ter sempre contato com o inglês e aprendê-lo de forma dinâmica, prazerosa e muito divertida. Porisso, com muita criatividade, Drielle sempre busca aprender e inovar técnicas completamente diferentes do tradicional para ajudar seus alunos a falar inglês com confiança e fluidez.

Ela tem 31 anos e hoje mora no Estados Unidos com seu marido americano. A Teacher Dri, se formou em engenharia florestal no Brasil. Após se formar, ela trabalhou em um call center por 1,5 ano. Em 2016, decidiu mudar a realidade dela e se mudou para o Texas onde fez o programa Aupair por 2 anos.

Ela fez dois cursos de inglês na Austin Community College, Estados Unidos e 1 curso na Igreja de Jesus Cristo Dos Santos dos Últimos Dias em Austin – TX. Hoje ela ajuda milhares de pessoas a praticar inglês todos os dias no Youtube e Instagram. A teacher Dri tem mais de 1000 horas de aula prática feitas com seus alunos e mais de 50 alunos e mentorados conquistando o sonho de falar inglês.

Teacher Dri is passionate about teaching English that is REALLY used and spoken in the United States. She believes that learning English doesn’t have to be boring, tiring or stressful . That the student must be active in their studies, always seeking to have contact with English and learn it in a dynamic, pleasurable and very fun way. Therefore, with a lot of creativity, Drielle always seeks to learn and innovate completely different techniques to help her students speak English with confidence and fluidity.

She is 31 years old and now lives in the United States with her American husband. Teacher Dri graduated in forest engineering in Brazil. After graduating, she worked in a call center for 1.5 years. In 2016, she decided to change her reality and moved to Texas where she did the Aupair program for 2 years.

She took two English courses at Austin Community College, USA and 1 course at The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints in Austin – TX. Today she helps thousands of people practice English every day on Youtube and Instagram. Teacher Dri has over 1000 hours of hands-on instruction with her students and more than 100 students and mentees achieving their dream of speaking English.
